Smoking :- smoking habit is a very bad habit and also very bad impact in our body,specially in our lungs and heart. Why people started smoking? Many people have different reason to start smoking , some of people started smoking because they think it is a new fashion and enjoying the moment but after some times they addict to smoking and now leads to their daily life routine. Some of people think smoking leads to out of stress but they think wrong because many year 1000 people are died to take smoking . Affect of smoking in our body:- we know that Tobacoo use in smoking and chewing. Tobacoo contains nicotine(alkaloid) which stimulate adrenaline and non-adrenaline hormone and also increase heart beat and blood pressure. #. Smoking also cause lungs cancer, gastric ulcer etc. #.smoke of tobacoo cause " emphysima in lungs." # . Smoke contains "C-O" gas which is toxin and combined with Hemoglobin. ...