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Bad effect of smoking in our body

Smoking:- smoking habit is a very bad habit and also very bad impact in our body,specially in our lungs and heart.

Why people started smoking?
           Many people have different reason to start smoking , some of people started smoking because they think it is a new fashion and enjoying the moment but after some times they addict to smoking and now leads to their daily life routine.
Some of people think smoking leads to out of stress but they think wrong because many year 1000 people are died to take smoking .

Affect of  smoking in our body:-
 we know that Tobacoo use in smoking and chewing. Tobacoo contains nicotine(alkaloid)  which stimulate adrenaline and non-adrenaline hormone and also increase heart beat and blood pressure.
#. Smoking also cause lungs cancer, gastric ulcer etc.
#.smoke of tobacoo cause "emphysima in lungs."
#. Smoke contains  "C-O" gas which is toxin and combined with Hemoglobin.

 I think Five reasons to stop smoking:-

a.Better sex life:-  when we stop smoking then our blood circulation is good, increase sexual preference and feel less fatique during sex and also increase our sex time duration.

b.Less Stress:- -  Most of the people started smoking in stress condition whenever they smoke in their dippressed condition they think all things is normal so guys try to keep less stress

c.Improved senses:-  Those type of people who smoke regularly they feel their senses and when we realise to smoke then close your eyes.

d.More enegy:-   most of the people realise they have fell weakness then they start to smoke for charge up body, so we have to get more energy to stop smoking.

e.Healthier loved ones:- when we decide to quit smoking then first of all make healthy relatioship and avoid fight with partner and love yourself.

Now, i want to give some tips to quit smoking.
a.Set a target:- when we really decide to quit smoking then we have to fix a target.when you fix a target just keep in mind not too longer or less so,when you feel quit smoking then fix such a easier target and do it.
b.Take support:-  When you start smoking then have a great support of our chainsmoker friends so, you decided to quit smoking then you have to told your all chainsmoker friend do not force to smoking because you want to quit smoking.

c.Handle Challanges:-  I think all of you know challages make a great person so, guys be ready to handle challanges. According to a research in one day a smoker realise six times to feel smoking but these type of feeling not too longer it is just 3 minutes feeling so, you smoke six cigerete per day then your daily challanges is 18 minutes .when you overcome your challanges then you quit smoking.

d.Make an environment:-  all of you heared enviroment make you good person or bad person so, guys smoking habit is just like that when you decide to quit smoking then you have to make such a lovely environment and keep distance a such type of environment then a day came in your life where you overcome a quit smoking.

e.Empty Hands:- According to a research those type of people smoke daily they always feel empty hands these type of feeling stork in mind and become to mind restless.
f.Trigger moments:-  most of smoking addicted person realise to smoke such a fixed time like that after Lunch, dineer and break fast so, you have to trigger that moment and also you have to adapt a new work to avoid the trigger time .

g.New Relationship:-  If you want stop your old relation then you try to build a new relation so, if you want to quit smoking  then make a new relation just like that taking healthy food, various type of juices and use some dry food and love your girlfriend.
h.Stop Excuse:-  Guys we have  to 100 reason to smoking but there is a 1 reason to overcome to smoking, so guys do not excuses to yourself  you think when you smoke then i have a good concentration on my work this type of excuses is such a worst .
i.Focus on Benefits:-   it is a human nature many of people want to time spend where their have a benefits , so guys ask a questions what is the benefit to quit a smoking when we stop smoking then you save your money and lives such a better life style and also longer life, full of happiness.

J.Do not give up:-   guys finally we discuss about last tips but not least  never give up to quit smoking because we can do it you know that everything is possible so, do not be hards it is easy to stop smoking.

What's happen when we stop smoking?

Many of peoples are clear said that when they stop smoking various type of characteristics are shown in their body just like that they feel not good always feeling tired and dullness but that is not a reality it is just a illusion. When you smoking daily then smoke are spread in our blood specially lungs and stork the circulation of blood so, when blood are not reached their location then our body is deffected and tends to dangerous mode for our health.

Nowdays many of people started smoking because they feel lonliness and streesed about their work so, in this type of condition we not say that smokers people is only man because according to research 47 percent womens  are addicted to bad habbit smoking and rest 53 percent men are addicted to bad habbit smoking ....
     Such a worst bad habbit addicted smoking is more harmfull for women compare to men because when female is pregnant then she use their bad habbit addicted smoking for stress free and feel comfortable but it is also bad impact her feotus ...

Types of cigerette:- 
 In our market various type of cigerette and these type of cigerette have different type of nicotine . Guys we already discuss about smoke contains tobbacoo but in smoke peoples use various type of mmixing materials used in during smoke just like that mixing of weeds, brown sugar etc.

Now our indian government have a good decision not smoke in publically when you want to smoke then you go your private place this is also helpful for public who does not use smoking..

How aware people to quit smoking habbit?    All people who live in around us they have to awre those type of people who addicted to such a bad habbit smoking . All people be responsible to aware people when you guide them how to quit smoking habit you must keep in your mind they are alone and be friendly.

        So,guys this all about the smoking hope u like the post 


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